Tag: Moca
7 Aug 2013
De unde vine moca?
20 May 2013
Vorbeam zilele trecute cu niste prieteni si incercam sa ne dam seama de unde vine cuvantul "moca". Stiu, nu este in dex, dar il folosim destul de des cu sensul de gratuit. Mi-a dat o carte moca. Voi aveti idee de unde vine acest "moca"?
Carmageddon moca pentru Android (numai astazi)
10 May 2013

Am o veste buna pentru pasionatii de jocuri pe mobil. Today is the first and only day you can download Carmageddon from Google Play for free. This version of Carmageddon was made possible by Kickstarter contributions. It’s also the same game that was released for the PC and Mac so long ago. After 24 hours,…
27 Mar 2013
Licenta gratuita (moca) de Bitdefender Internet Security 2013
23 Jan 2013
Cat de departe merg oamenii pentru a primi ceva moca?
13 Jul 2012